About Hypertension

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a common, but serious, condition. Left untreated, hypertension can cause complications like heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, and vision problems.

If you’re diagnosed with high blood pressure, you will need to monitor your blood pressure regularly. Our skilled nurses are trained to make sure your levels stay in a safe range. 

Treatments—such as medicines, physical activity, and lifestyle changes—can help lower blood pressure and lead to a longer and more active life.

How We Can Help

Hypertension is treatable by following the plan coordinated with your physician. Family First helps patients prevent further serious health problems.

Medication Management

Medicines like blood thinners, blood pressure medications, and oxygen therapy are often used to control hypertension. We help patients take medication correctly and on time.

Physical Therapy

Supervised physical activity and physical therapy can lower blood pressure, strengthen the heart and lungs, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, and improve quality of life.


Lifestyle changes play a major part in managing hypertension. Our care team provides education about heart-healthy nutrition choices, and create a plan to prevent hospitalizations.